Saturday, August 15, 2009


I had a neck twisted during a wild dream i had last two night. Gosh, the next day was a whole miserable day, where i couldn't even turn my head at all! I cant cross road because i cant turn to my left and to my right and back to left again.
Well, such incidence i'm sure everyone face it before. But luckily with my boss borrowing titanium chain for me and my dad who is an expert in massaging , i got well within one day. XD

N . E . C . K PAIN!

One day. Talking bout one day, makes me feel nervous, exam results day is getting nearer. This sem, i will be looking at it alone. No more red shirts, no more with my friends. DIY and alone. Actually i really want to go and together have the moment. But i just find it weird to go to college and i dont have class. So just stay at home ba... furthermore i have this AI with me.

D . I . Y ALONE!

Alone. Lonelyness. Talking bout lonelyness, i really hate this feeling. but doing big stuff , knowing something that others shouldnot still will bring this fear of loneliness, so why not accepting it. When you are lonely, make the loneliness not an existence at all that bother your mind. Why should it be there at the first place?

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