Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Every month.dreaming.

Why every month im broke? IF then , how would i have a girl friend? shit.. it is dreadful to think that she bears my living.. ?No. . . pls. I m too arrogant for that. Seriously , i have to stop dreaming and step my own foundation of life. Be real.

It happened one day that my boss brought a book to his tuition centre. He is a great motivated person , he knew living in this city full of negativity, he needs alot of motivation. He has been a great motivator to me, if not my dad. The book titled " See you at the top " by Zig Ziglar.

From there, i learnt quite some stories of life. Basic yet fundamental in life.

There is a poor african. He is very poor from the day he is born. One day, it happened that he found a great source of oil, and that made him rich. One of the richest man in the world. Yet, he remained friendly to everyone. He dreamt of having a 4 wheel vehicle since young, and with such thing, it is an indication of rich element.
With abundance, he got his own vehicle, he added two wheels behind, and that made it a 6 wheel car just because he wanted a longer one. As previous time, every evening he would drive around and talk to everyone in the village. He is just as friendly as last time despite he is rich now.
However , he never hit anyone before. A simple reason because he has two horses infront of his car. Despite there is an engine with triple horse power , he never learnt to start the engine by putting the key.
Lesson of life : Each of us has a great horse power beneath ourself. WE just DONT learn to use it. And discovery of such will bring us to a higher level.

In other word, every human has his/her own music of life. I once use to listen to mine, but it has gone. Take some times,figure out how to get to your own music ...

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